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Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013



Multiple Choice Questions

1.      The scientific name for simple sugars such as glucose is:
A. amino acids
B. monosaccharides
C. glycerol
D. fatty acid

2.      During digestion, proteins are broken down into molecules of
A. amino acids
B. fatty acids and glycerol
C. carbohydrates
D. glucose

3.      The food nutrient which can provide the most energy is:
A. proteins
B. fats and oils
C. carbohydrates
D. vitamin

4.      What happens when food reaches the stomach?

  1. Nothing. No digestion occurs in the stomach.
  1. The food moves quickly into the small intestine.
  1. Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.
  1. The food is completely digested and is absorbed
    by tiny blood vessels in the walls of the stomach.

5.      Digestion can be by physical or chemical means. An example of physical digestion is:
A. chewing food with teeth
B. muscular churning action of the stomach
C. both of the above
6.      The muscular contractions along the digestive tract are called:
A. epiglottis
B. peristalsis
C. villi
7.      Diarrhoea is a sign that there is a malfunctioning:
A. large intestine
B. stomach
C. small intestine
8.      Villi are projections that increase the surface area for greater absorption of nutrients in the:
B.large intestine
C.small intestine
9.       Unwanted solid waste that is expelled from the body through the anus is called:
10.  . What is one major function of the large intestine?
A.breakdown of fats
B.water absorption
11.  Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder.
What is its function?
A.water absorption
B.breakdown of fats and oils
C.prevention of constipation
12.   Excess glucose is temporarily stored in the liver as:
13.  .Examples of carbohydrates are:
A .starch, fruit and oil
B .meat, fish and oil
C .sugar, potatoes and pasta
14.  One function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is to:
A.kill bacteria
B.absorb water into the bloodstream
C.break down oils
D.break down protein
15.  How does digested food finally reach the bloodstream?
  1. It passes through the gullet into the blood.
  1. It is absorbed into the blood through blood vessels.
  1. It is absorbed into the blood through the walls of the lungs.
  1. It passes from the small intestine into the large
    intestine, then into the blood

Short Answer Questions

1.      Name the digestive organs from mouth to rectum!
2.      Why does food not re-enter the oesophagus from the stomach?
3.      Why is the stomach lining undamaged by the hydrochloric acid?
4.      Where are digested nutrients absorbed into the blood?
5.      Wh            at do you know about balanced menu? Give example!

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