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Selasa, 12 Februari 2013




1.      Which of the following is a function of the nose in the respiratory system?
  1. Filtration          
  2. Warming
  3. Humidifying     
  4. All of the above
2.      The ………….prevents food from entering the respiratory system?
  1. Pharynx                 
  2. Larynx
  3. Glottis                    
  4. Epiglottis
3.      The lung is made mostly of ….
  1. Bronchi                 
  2. Bronchioles
  3. Alveoli                   
  4. None  of the above
4.      The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by a
  1. Diaphragm                   
  2.  Ribs
  3. Surfactant                  
  4.  None  of them
5.      Complete the following chemical equation: Hb + O2 -------->_______
A.              HbO2
B.               HbCO2
C.               Hb
D.              HCO3
6.      Breathing is triggered in the medulla by the concentration of …..
  1. Oxygen           
  2. Chlorine ion
  3. Carbon dioxide        
  4.  None of the above
7. The innermost chamber of the respiratory system into which air can be drawn is
A.    Bronchiole         
B.      Bronchus           
C.     Air sac
D.    Bronchial tube         
8. The pleura is….
A.    a membrane that surrounds the lungs       
B.     The respiratory surface of human    
C.     One of the air passages to the lungs
D.    The  membrane lining the air passages
9.      The process by with gases are exchange in the alveoli of our lungs is called:
A.    external respiration   
B.     indirect respiration
C.     direct respiration   
D.    internal respiration   
10.        The exchange of CO2 and O2 occurs between…. and…
A.    Alveoli and capillaries
B.     Alveoli and pulmonary vein
C.     Alveoli and pulmonary artery
D.    Pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
11.           Look at the graphic  bellow


 Vital lung capacity is accumulation of …
A.                                                                         3
B.                                                                          2 and 4
C.                                                                          2 + 3 + 4
D.                                                                         1 + 2 + 3 + 4
  1. Look the following  picture!
Trachea and bronchus shown by number  …
A.                                                                         5 and 2
B.                                                                          5 and 4
C.                                                                          2 and 5
D.                                                                         4 and 5
13.  The path of air in the human respiratory system is from nasal cavity to
A.    Larynx  to pharynx  to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli
B.     Pharynx  to trachea to larynx to bronchus to alveoli to bronchiole
C.     Larynx to pharynx to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli to trachea 
D.    Pharynx to larynx to trachea to bronchus to bronchiole to alveoli
  1. In human cell respiration which important system works to remove the need of oxygen and to refine the carbon dioxide?
A. Respiration and skeleton
B.  Endocrine and tissue
C.  Transport and respiration
D. Tissue and nerve
15. The bronchus subdivides into smaller branches called:
A.    trachea
B.     larynx
C.      alveoli    
D.    Bronchi  
  1. In fish, the process of gas exchange occurs in ….
A.    Operculum
B.     Gill arch
C.     Gill bony bar
D.    Mouth cavity
  1. The gas exchange of O2 and CO2 of bird occurs in….
A.                            Trachea  
B.                             Alveoli     
C.                             Bronchi
D.                            Parabronchi  
  1. The following are the respiratory disorders :
1)      TBC
2)      Bronchitis
3)      Laryngitis
4)      Pneumonia
The disorders caused by bacteria infection are ….
A.    1,2,3
B.     2,3,4
C.     1,2,4
D.    1,4
  1. Abdominal breathing can occur due to the work of muscles of ….
A.    Diaphragm and external intercostals
B.     Diaphragm and abdominal
C.     External intercostals and abdominal
D.    Internal intercostals and external intercostals
20.Oxygen in the blood is carried primarily
A.   As  oxyhemoglobin  
B.     In solution in the plasma 
C.      As carbonic acid         
D.      As carboxyhomoglobin
21.Most CO2 is carried in the plasma  in the form of ….
A.       Hydrogen  ions    
B.        Oxyhemoglobin
C.         Bicarbonate ions(HCO3)         
D.       Dissolved CO2
22.     What part of the brain is responsible for regulation of respiration?
A.      Cerebral cortex                
B.       Medulla oblongata
C.       Cerebellum                       
D.      Hypothalamus
23.        Food is prevented from entering the nasal cavity during swallowing by the action of the…
A.    Uvula
B.     Epiglottis
C.     Pharynx
D.    Esophagus
24.        The majority of oxygen in the bloodstream is carried in red blood cells on a globular protein called….
A.    Serum
B.     Fibrinogen
C.     Hemoglobin
D.    Albumin
25.        Which structure is used by an earthworm during gas exchange?
A.    Gills
B.     Tracheoles
C.     Skin
D.    Lungs
26.        Emphysema is a breathing disorder in which the _________ break down so that the surface area for gas exchange is decreased.
A.    Bronchiole
B.     Alveoli
C.     Pulmonary capillaries
D.    Bronchiole ducts
27.        Unlike humans, grasshoppers take air into their abdomens through tiny openings called….
A.    Spiracle
B.     Tracheoles
C.     Nephridia
D.    Skin
28.        Large organisms rely on the respiratory system to take in oxygen and then ______ system to deliver the oxygen to the tissues.
A.    Excretory
B.     Circulatory
C.     Digestive
D.    Endocrine
29.        Which lung volume approaches your vital capacity (in volume of air) during exercise?
A.    Tidal volume
B.     Inspiratory reserve volume
C.     Expiratory reserve volume
D.    Residual volume
30.        Identify bronchus  in this diagram.
respiratory system
A.    A
B.     B
C.     C
D.    D
31.        Which process does not occur in the nasal cavity?
A. Trapping of large foreign bodies
B. Exchange of gases
C. Humidification of inhaled air
D. Warming of inhaled air
32.        Complete the equation:
Glucose + Oxygen = _______ + Water + CO2
 A. Energy
B.  Starch
C.  Sucrose
D. Amylum
33. When do the external intercostals and the diaphragm contract?
  1. During inhalation
  2. During exhalation
  3. During inhalation and exhalation
  4. During neither inhalation and exhalation
34. Respiration involves the movement of gases by the process of….
  1. Facilitated  transport
  2. Active transport
  3. Diffusion
  4. Osmosis
35. The most efficient lungs are found in which of the terrestrial vertebrates listed below?
  1. Amphibian
  2. Reptile
  3. Bird
  4. Mammals

36. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. When a bird breathes, air moves from the lungs into the posterior air sacs.
  1. The hemolymph of insects binds and transports oxygen.
  1. Coetaneous respiration has been demonstrated in fish, amphibians, and terrestrial reptiles.
  1. The only place where gas exchange occurs in mammalian respiratory systems is in the alveoli.
  37. Which of the following animals have tracheae as their respiratory system?
A.    Grasshoppers
B.     Earthworm
C.     Mollusk
D.    Fish
38. Tuberculosis  patients experiencing difficulty breathing disorder, because there. . . .
A. decrease in the number of erythrocytes
B. CO2 diffusion process disturbance
C. decrease in hemoglobin concentration
D. narrowing of the alveolar cavity
39. Asfiksi can occur due to. . . .
A. Leukocytosis
B.  Leukemia
C.  Pneumonia
D.  Asthma
40. CO2 is more easily transferred into water through respiratory membranes compared to O2 because…
A.    CO2 is a smaller molecule than O2.
B.     CO2 moves faster than O2.
C.     CO2 is more soluble in water than O2.
D.    CO2 has a higher surface cohesion than O2.