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Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014



Soal Immune System


1.All the following statements about arteries are true EXCEPT
a). they are thick-walled
 b). they pulsate
c). they contain much elastic fiber tissue
d). they carry blood away from the heart
e). they contain valves
2. The liquid that bathes the cells of the body is called
a). fibrinogen
b). lymph
c). plasma
d). fibrin
e). blood
3. All the following veins carry deoxygenated blood EXCEPT the
a). superior vena cava
b). inferior vena cava
c). pulmonary vein
 d). renal vein
e). hepatic vein
4. All the following about white blood cells is true EXCEPT
a). they are formed in lymph glands
b). they are formed in the marrow
 c). they move like amoeba
d). they are phagocytotic
e). they are nucleated
5. The pacemaker of the heart is the
 a). S-A node
 b). A-V node
c). septum
d). bundle of His.
e).Purkije fiber
6. Which represents the correct sequence in the clotting of blood?
a). Platelets, fibrinogen, prothrombin, fibrin, thrombin
b). Platelets, prothrombin, thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin
c). Platelets, thrombin, fibrinogen, prothrombin, fibrin
d). Platelets, fibrin, fibrinogin, thrombin, prothrombin
e). Platelets, fibrinogen, prothrombin, fibrin, thrombin
7. Most of the carbon dioxide is carried in the blood stream by
a). plasma b). HCO-3 c). myoglobin
d). carbon monoxide e). hemoglobin
8. Oxyhemoglobin is formed in the
a). lungs
b). right atrium
c). spleen
d). kidney
e). liver
9. After being in a small, poorly ventilated room for an hour with eleven other students, a person noticed that his rate of breathing had increased. The most probable reason for this is that the
a). air in the room became hot
b). carbon dioxide in his blood had increased
c). oxygen concentration in his blood had increased
d). an increase in the blood volume
e). an increase of nitrogen concentration
10. Thickening of the alveoli membranes may cause
a). a decrease in blood volume
b). a decrease in oxygen concentration in the blood
c). a decrease in carbon dioxide concentration in the blood
d). in increase in nitrogen concentration in the blood
e). an increase in blood volume
11. The most important cells of the nonspecific immunity are the
a). stem cells and the T-lymphocytes
b). macrophages and the T- cell lymphocytes
c). macrophages and neutrophils
d). neutrophils and B- cell lymphocytes
e). leucocytes and lymphocytes
12. A true statement about antibodies is that
a). they are protein molecules produced by lymphocytes
b). they bind to invading microorganisms
c). together with macrophages and blood proteins kill or incapacitate pathogens
d). all of the above
e). none of the above
13. An antibody is described as
a). a particle
b). an organism
 c). a molecule
d). a fragment
e). a pathogen
14. Complement destroys bacterial cells by
 a). preventing reproduction by binary fission
b). breaking apart the circular chromosome of the bacteria
 c). depositing antigen on the bacterial surface
d). stimulating reproduction of the helper T cells
e). perforating the cell wall and the cell membrane
15. Antibodies are not effective against
a). intracellular viruses
b). extracellular viruses
c). retroviruses
d). all of the above
e). none of the above.
16. The light and heavy chains of antibodies are bound together by
a). hydrogen bonds
 b). amide bonds
c). carboxyl groups
d). disulfide bonds
e). dipeptide bonds
17. Interferons are proteins that act against
a). certain types of bacteria
 b). natural killer cells
c). virally infected cells
d). hybridomas
e). B-Cell lymphocytes
18. T-Cell lymphocytes are able to distinguish between self and non self by means of
a). antibody levels in the body
b). histocompatability antigens
c). enzyme-substrate complex
d). macrophage-antigen complex
e). plasma cell levels in the blood
19. Tracheal systems for gas exchange are found in:
a). crustaceans
b). earthworms
c). insects
d). jellyfish
 e). vertebrates
20. If the primary immune response fails to create memory cells, then
a). the initial work of the plasma cell would be inhibited
 b). the T-cells would not produce the effector cells
c). the secondary immune response would generate too few antibodies
d). the DNA coding in the stem cells would mutate
 e). the T- cells could not distinguish self antigens
21. Which statement about respiration is INCORRECT?
a). Humans use positive pressure breathing
b). When exhaling, the position of the ribs and diaphragm in humans is: ribs lowered, diaphragm raise
c). frogs use positive pressure breathing
d). breathing in humans does not depend on active transport of air
e). Avian respiration is aided by air sacs attached to the lungs
22. The hormone that causes the marrow to produce more red blood cells is
a). erythrocytes
b). secretin
c). erythropoietin
 d). erythrin
e). CCK
23. Rejection of a tissue graft in an organism is associated with
a). B-lymphocytes
b). B- monocytes
c).T- lymphocytes
d). neutrophils
e). T-monocytes
24. Smoking and inhaling air pollutants have a n effect on the all the following EXCEPT
a). P450
b). cilia of the upper trachea
c). alveolar tissue
d). larynx
e). salivary amylase
25. All the following are part of the nonspecific immune response EXCEPT
a). antimicrobial proteins
b). plasma cells
c). pyrogens
d). skin bacteria
e). monocytes
26. The meshwork that forms the fabric of a blood clot mostly consists of which protein?
a). fibrinogen
b). fibrin
c). thrombin
d). prothrombin
e). collagen
27. Food and inhaled air normally both pass through which structure?
 a). larynx
b). esophagus
c). glottis
d). pharynx e). trachea
28. Breathing is usually regulated by:
a). erythropoietin levels in the blood
b). the number of red blood cells
c). hemoglobin levels in the blood
d). lungs and larynx
e). pH, CO2 , and Oxygen sensors in the medulla.

29. Blood returning from the lungs enters the heart through the :
a). pulmonary artery
b). aorta
c). pulmonary veins
d). vena cava
e). coronary vein
30. High blood pressure is called:
a). atherosclorosis
b). arteriosclerosis
c). hypertension
d). heart murmer
e). hemophilia
31. What stimulates the production of red blood cells?
a). LDL's
b). immunoglobulins
d). erythrpoietin
e). epinephrine
32. The bronchus subdivides into smaller branches called:
a). trachea
 b). larynx
c). alveoli
d). bronchioles
e). bronchi
33. An alarming substance that triggers an inflammatory reaction is:
 a). thryoxin
b). adrenalin
c). immunoglobulin
d). histamine
e). pyrogens
35. Resistance to a disease conferred by injection of an antibody is an example of:
 a). active immunity
b). passive immunity
c). cell-mediated immunity
d). autoimmunity
 e). clonal selection
36. Which of the following cell types is responsible for initiating secondary immune response?
a). memory cells
b). macrophages
c). stem cells
d). B cells
e). T cells

37. The mechanism by which antigens stimulate B cells is called:
a). capping
b). opsonization
c). complement system
d). passive immunity
e). vaccination
38. The process in which an attenuated pathogen is used to stimulate the body to produce antibodies against the pathogen is called:
 a). capping
b). interferon
c). vaccination
d). passive immunity
e). complement system