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Rabu, 03 April 2013

Excretory System test

TOPIC                       : EXCRETORY SYSTEM
Choose the correct answer!
1.    Bowman`s capsule is the part of nephron that surrounds …
a.      Glomerulus
b.      Tumulus distalis
c.      Tubulus contortus
d.       Henle`s loop
e.       Tubulus proximalis
2.     As an excretion organ, liver plays the role as….
a.      Glycogen storage
b.    A place where the breaking down and the formation of protein occur
c.     Neutralizes poison that enters the body
d.       Produces bile
e.    Produces bile as the result of the breaking down of blood cell
3.         The color substances in feces and urine are resulted from the oxidation of …
a.    Biliverdin
b.    Bilirubin
c.     Urobilin
d.   Histionin
e.    Vasopressin
4.    The water volume in tubulus distalis is regulated by …… hormone
a      ADH
b.   LH
c.   ACTH
d.   FSH
e.    Insulin
5.         The excretion of nitrogenous wastes….
a.         By  humans can be in the form of urea and uric acid.
b.         By  mammals is never in the form of uric acid.
c.          By  marine fishes is in the form of urea.
d.         Does not contribute to the osmolarity of the urine.
e.          Requires more water if the waste product is the rather insoluble uric acid.
6.         Which of the following are not found in a renal pyramid?
a      Collecting ducts
b      Peritubular capillaries
c       Convoluted tubules
d      Loops of Henle
e      Glomerulus
7.  Which part of the nephron is responsible for most of the difference in mammals between the glomerular filtration rate and the urine production rate?
a.                             The glomerulus
b.                            The proximal convoluted tubule
c.                             The loop of Henle
d.                            The distal convoluted tubule
e.                            The collecting duct
8.  The figure shows a single kidney nephron

Filtration process occurs at number
a.        1            b.2            c.3                        d.4                           e.5
9.     Which one of the following statements concerning kidney function is incorrect?
a       Deamination of amino acids in the kidney cells results in the production of urea
b      Glucose is normally absorbed at the proximal convoluted tubule
c      Blood leaving the kidney via the renal vein contains less glucose and oxygen than the blood in renal artery
d      Most of the water is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule
e      In the proximal convoluted tubule, selective reabsorption occurs
10.Which of the following is found exclusively in the renal medulla?
a. Proximal convoluted tubules
b. Distal convoluted tubules
c. Collecting ducts
d. Afferent arterioles
e. Thin loop of Henle
11.   The endocrine organ that sits atop a kidney is ….
a. the pituitary gland
b. the hypothalamus
c. the ovary
d. the adrenal gland
e. the testicle
12.    Urine flows from the tubules into the collecting ducts and it is stored temporary in .....
a       Pelvis
b      Urether
c       Urinary  bladder
d      Urethra
e      Loop of henle
13.    İn which part of the nephron are sugars and amino acids reabsorbed?
a            Bowman`s capsule
b           Proximal convoluted tubule
c            Loop of Henle
d           Distal convoluted tubule
e           The collecting duct
14.    What is the role of ADH in the osmoregulation of body fluid ?
a      To increase the permaebility of proximal convoluted tubules to glucose and amino acids
b     To increase the permaebility of loop of Henle to NaCl
c      To increase the permaebility of distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to water
d     To increase the permaebility of distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to Na+
e     To increase the permaebility of distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to glucose and amino acids
15.    Which one of the following is not an example of excretion?
a   Removal of urea in the urine
b  Removal of carbon dioxide in exhaled air
c   Removal of bile pigments from liver in the bile
d  Removal of undigested food from the body
e  Removal of carbon dioxide from lung
16.    In simple animals such as Spongy and hydra excretory substances are excreted by….
a       Diffusions
b      Flame cell
c       Nephridium
d      malpighian tubules
e      kidney
17.       Pronephros kidney is found in....
a       The embryonic stage of fish and amphibia
b      Reptiles and birds
c       Insect and mollusks
d      Flatworm and earthworm
e       Birds  and mammals
18. Infection may occur anywhere in urinary tract and most often caused by the microbial agents of sexually transmitted diseases or by bacteria such as cystitis. Cystitis is ….
a       Inflammation of distal convoluted tubules
b      Inflammation  of the urinary bladder.
c       Inflammation  of  the kidney
d      Inflammation  of the nephron
e      Increase of uric acid in urine
19.İn Planaria (Flatworms), CO2 and NH3 release from body by means of....
a.     Osmosis
b.    Diffusion
c.     Transpiration
d.    Active transport
e.     Evaporation
20.The correct components of  sweat are
a       Water, glucose, salt
b      Water, urea, salt
c       Water, glucose, urea
d      Urea, glucose, salt
e       Vitamin, urea, glucose

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