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Selasa, 14 Mei 2013




1.    The growth process of ovum is triggered by hormone that has role triggering  activity of follicle in ovary.  Which  one is secreted from follicle of ovary?
A.    Oxytocine
B.     Esterogen
C.     Follicle stimulating hormone
D.    Luteinising hormone .
E.     Glucagone

2.      Pregnancy begin by fertilization that happen in egg canal, there are many hormone Which hormone is secreted during fetal development
A.  Adrenocorticotropic hormone
B.  Follicle stimulating hormone
C.  Melanocyte stimulating hormone
D.  Somototropic hormone
E.   Thyroxin hormone
3.      Sex canal in man that has function as place of ripening and storing of spermatozoa is..
A.    Urethra
B.   Vesicular seminalis
C.   Vas deferens
D.   Testis
E.   Epididymis
Top of Form
4.      Spermatogenesis happen in testis, that was began from sperm parent cell splitting by mitosis. Sperm production begins in the ....
A.    Seminiferous tubules.
B.     Epididymis
C.     Vas deferens.
D.    Ejaculatory duct
E.     Prostat
5.    Testosterone is hormone that produced in testis. The production of testosterone in the interstitial cells is stimulated by...
A.    Inhibitor
B.     luteinizing hormone (LH)
C.     follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
D.    progesterone
E.     adrenalin
6.      If the egg is not fertilized, the menstrual cycle continues.  The layer of the uterine wall that is shed during menstruation is the...
A.    Endometrium
B.     Myometrium
C.     Epimetrium
D.    Endothelium
E.     Myothelium
7.      The process of embryo developments  in endometrium. The labeled part on number 1,2 and 3 are....

            2                                                3


A. Zygote - blastula - morula
B. Ovum - zygote - Morula
C. Zygote - blastula - morula
D. Ovum-zygote- blastula
E. Zygote – blastula- morula
8.      The menstrual cycle begins at puberty, which usually oc­curs in human females sometime between the ages of 10 and 14.
The average menstrual cycle is...
A.    14 days
B.     18 days
C.     24 days
D.    28 days
E.     30 days
9.      After about nine months of development and growth inside the uterus, a baby is ready to be born The hormone that stimulates uterine contractions is....
A.    Oxytocin
B.     Estrogen
C.     Granular
D.    Progesterone
E.     Prolactine Bottom of Form
10.  Following are woman reproductive organs :
1). Ovary                           4).uterus
2). Vulva                           5) cervix
3). Tuba falopii                  6) vagina
The  movement of ovum until the happening of growth of fetus in the womb periodically is shown by the numbers of ….  
A.  1à2à3
B.  2à 3à 4
C.  2 à4 à5
D.  3à6 à5
E.   1 à3à4
11.     The female gonads are the ovaries that produce eggs or ovulation and also secrete the female sex hormone. Ovulation is….
A.  The formation of follicle by ovum
B.  The releasing of ovum from ovary
C.   The formation de Graff of follicle
D.  The movement of ovum in tuba falopii
E.   The fertilization of ovum by sperma

12.  In oogenesis, before the formation of ovum periodically happen the formation of….
A.      Oogonium, polocyte, oocyte
B.       Oogonium, polocyte, ootid,oogonium
C.       Oogonium, oocyte, ootid
D.      Oogonium,ootid, oocyte
E.       Polocyte, ootyd, oogonium
13.  Part that has function as flowing place of food substance, O2, CO2 and waste matter between mother and her foetus is ….
a.       Placenta
b.      Central cord
c.       Fetal membrane
d.      Yolk
e.       Chorion
14.  Following are the kinds of hormones produced in human body :
                                                   1)         adrenalin
                                                   2)         insulin
                                                   3)         estrogen
                                                   4)         tyroxin
                                                   5)         progesteron
                                                   6)         testosteron
                                                   7)         prolactin
                                                   8)         gastrin
Among hormones above that reproductive hormones are shown by numbers of ….
A.  1,3 and 4
B.  2,5 and 7
C.  3,6, and 8
D.  4,6 and 8
E.   3,5 and 6
15.   Family planning is done through the contraception method of temporary and permanent.The influence of work of temporary contraception of pill that is ….
A.    Decreasing the number of ovum in ovary
B.     Increasing body stamina
C.     Preventing menstruation
D.    Destroying sperm that enters into the womb
E.     Preventng ovulation
16.  Many kinds of disorder and disease in human reproductive system. Protozoa that caused the occurrence of vulvovaginitis is….
A.     Candida albicans
B.     Treponemapallidum
C.     Herpes simplex
D.    Trichomonasvaginalis
E.     Gonorrhoea chlamydia

17.The sperm remain in the epididymis until they are mature. They leave the epididymis through the vas deferens, a tube that leads upward from each testis into the lower part of the abdomen From the ejaculatory duct, sperm can pass directly into the….

a. ductus deferens.
c. seminal vesicle.
d.                 Seminiferous tubule
e. urethra
18.  Ovulation occurs on about day 14 of the menstrual cycle. The released egg enters an oviduct and travels toward the uterus. During this time, the lining of the uterus grows even thicker. Ovulation depends on….
a.       very low estrogen levels and high progesterone levels
b.      low levels of both FSH and LH
c.       high levels of FSH and low levels of LH
d.      declining levels of FSH and a sudden surge in the levels of LH
e.       low levels of both progesterone and estrogen.

19.  Vasectomy does not affect the male secondary sexual characters because….
a.       the bulbourethral glands are not affected.
b.      theductus deferens produces the male sex hormones.
c.       the interstitial cells are untouched.
d.      the semen will still contain spermatozoa.
e.       the testes are found in the scrotum.

20.  A mature female goes through monthly reproductive changes called the menstrual cycle.Which structures control the menstrual cycle?
a.       The womb, spinal cord and the cerebral cortex
b.      The ovaries, adrenal glands and the brain stem
c.       The ovaries, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus
d.      The womb, the pituitary gland and the cerebral cortex
e.       The ovary, spinal cord and the hypothalamus

21.  Look at pictures of male genital organs below!
Place of sperm formation occurred in  the no....
a.       1
b.      2
c.       3
d.      4
e.       5
22.  When do spermatogenesis and oogenesis begin?

During puberty
Before birth
During puberty
During puberty
Before birth
During puberty
Before birth
After puberty
Before birth
Before birth

23.   Permanent contraception method is done through sterilization.  Sterilization in men is called vasectomy, occurred in...
b. vasdeferens
c. prostate
d. scrotum
e. Vesica seminal
24.   Hormones contained in urine of women who serve as an indicator of pregnancy is....
b. FSH
c. HCG
d. prostaglandin
e. estrogen
25.   Uterine contractions during birth the baby will be controlled by hormones.....
b. Progesterone andprolactin
c. Estrogenandprolactin
d. Oxytocin and relaxin
e. Estrogen and relaxin
26.   Once the embryo enters the uterus, it attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. In the uterus, several membranes form around the embryo. Embryo  in the womb will be protected from the dangers  of shocks  by.......
a.wall ofthe amnion
b. The walls ofthe chorionic
c. Produced bythe placentaamniotic fluid
d. Amnionamniotic fluidproduced
e. Umbilical cordconnecting thefetusandplacenta.
27.   One of the Sexually Transmitted Disease(STD) caused by bacterial infections Neisseria gonorrhea, called a disease....
b. gonorrhea
c. syphilis
d. Klamidiasis
e. urethritis
28.   Temporary contraception method that is applied in family planning consist     of      several methods . Contraceptives  that prevent the sperm meets the egg is...
b. vasectomy
c. IUD
d. Rhythmicmethod(calendar)
e. sterilization
29.   Syphilis which affects many men as they often change partners, caused by a bacterial infection....
b. Chlamydiatrachomatis
c. Neisseriagonorrhoe
d. varicellazoster
e. Candidaalbicans
30.  Almost immediately after a zygote, or fertilized  is formed, a new human being begins to develop. Implantation is an investment ... endometrium into the uterus.
a. zygotes
b. gastrula
c. blastocyst
d. morula
e. fetus
31.   Testes or male sex gland functions to produce....
b. spermandhormones
c. spermand theenzyme
d. spermandhormones
e. urineandsperm
32.  Menstruation is process of endometrium hemorrhages occurred after the decrease of hormones .....
a. LH and estrogen
b. FSH and estrogen
c. LH and FSH
d. estrogen and progesterone
e. FSH and progesterone
33.   The relationship of estrogen with ovulation process is...
a.FSHstimulates thepituitaryto secretefolliclerupturewould cause
b. stimulates thepituitaryto secreteLHcausesthe folliclerupture
c. stimulates thefolliclestoproduceLHandFSHtothe folliclegrows
d. stimulates the follicles to produce progesterone are high that follicle rupture
e. cause the corpus luteum produce progesterone which will cause follicle rupture
34.   Sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseriagonorrhoeaeadalah....
b. chlamydia
c. gonorrhea
d. trichomoniasis
e. syphilis
35.   Women have the hormone estrogen produced in the ovaries.
The followingisnot afunction ofthe hormoneestrogenis....
b. Spura thickeningof the endometrium
c. Growthcharacteristicssecondarycredits
d. Affecta person'ssexual behavior
e. Inhibit the secretion ofFSH

1 komentar:

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