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Senin, 30 April 2012




1.    A chemical that is secreted by an endocrine gland and carried in the blood to a target organ to perform a particular function is called….
A.    A hormone
B.    An endocrine
C.    The steroid
D.    Neuroglia
E.    Neurotransmitter

2.    All of the following are endocrine glands EXCEPT...
A.    adrenal glands
B.    sebaceous glands
C.    pineal glands
D.    pituitary glands
E.    thyroid glands
3.    Hormones that enter target cells and bind to receptors in the nucleus are called....
A.    steroid hormones.
B.    water soluble hormones
C.    peptide hormones.
D.    second messengers
E.    enzyme
4.    The hormones regulating blood calcium levels are...
A.    insulin and glucagon
B.    glycogen and parathyroid hormone.
C.    parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
D.    estrogen and progesterone
E.    glucose and glusagon

5.    All of the following are hormones of the anterior pituitary EXCEPT....
A.    human growth hormone (GH).
B.    follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
C.    parathyroid hormone(PTH).
D.    thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
E.    Luteinizing hormone( LH)
6.    Antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin are stored and released by the....
A.    posterior pituitary gland.
B.    anterior pituitary gland.
C.    thyroid gland.
D.    adrenal gland
E.    pancreatic gland
7.    Calcitonin is a hormone of the....
A.    adrenal cortex
B.    thyroid gland.
C.    pituitary gland
D.    thymus gland
E.    parathyroid gland
8.    The gland which can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland is the....
A.    Thyroid
B.    Thymus
C.    Pancreas
D.    Pituitary
E.    Parathyroid
9.    Look at the picture bellow!



Name part of organ X and it`s function are....
A.    The pituitary gland, controlling reabsorption of water in the kidneys
B.    The pancreas gland, secrete the hormone insulin
C.    Thyroid gland, secrete the thyroxin hormone
D.    The ovary gland,  produce two hor¬mones, estrogen and progesterone
E.     The thymus gland, produces thymosin hormone

10.    Which organ secretes growth hormone releasing hormone ?
a.    Thyroid
b.    Hypothalamus
c.    Thymus
d.    Pancreas
e.    Parathyroid

11.    Where are the thyroid glands located?
a.    Beneath the liver
b.    Over the top of each kidney
c.    In the neck
d.    On each side of the heart
e.    Body cavity
12.    Which  one is secreted from follicle of ovary
A.    Oxytocine     
B.    Esterogen    
C.    Follicle stimulating hormone
D.    Luteinasing hormone .
E.    Glucagone

13.    The _______, or pituitary gland, is also known as the master gland
A.    Adenohypophysis
B.    Neurohypophysis
C.    Infundibulum
D.    Hypophysis
E.    Hipothalamus
14.    Which hormone is secreted during fetal development
A.    Adrenocorticotropic hormone
B.    Follicle stimulating hormone
C.    Melanocyte stimulating hormone
D.    Somototropic hormone
E.    Thyroxin hormone
15.    What chemical do endocrine glands release
A.    Hormones
B.    Amino acids
C.    Calcium ions
D.    Water
E.    Enzyme

16.    Which gland is responsible for secreting a growth hormone?
A.    The adrenal gland
B.    The parathyroid gland
C.    Testes
D.    The pituitary gland
E.    Pancreas
17.    Which one of the following is secreted by adrenal cortex
A.    Thyroid stimulating hormone
B.    Parathyroid hormone
C.    Growth hormone
D.    Antidiuritic hormone
E.    Aldosteron
18.    Hormones produced by glands Langerhans serves to ....
A.    Increasse  blood pressure
B.    convert glycogen to glucose
C.    break down the sugar glucose into muscle
D.    convert glucose to glycogen
E.    changing the amino acids into proteins

19.    The posterior pituitary stores and releases....
A.    growth hormone and prolactin
B.    prolactin and oxytocin
C.    oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
D.    ADH and growth hormone
E.    Oxytosin and
20.     Deficiency of  thyroxin hormone in childhood can cause....
A.    Cretinisme
B.    Acromegali
C.    Morbus Basedowi
D.    Cushing syndrome
E.    Osteophorosis
21.    Sex canal in man that has function as place of ripening and storing of spermatozoa is ….
A.    Urethra
B.    Vesicular seminalis
C.    Vas deferens
D.    Testis
E.    Epididymis

22.    Sperm production begins in the ....
A.    Seminiferous tubules.
B.    Epididymis
C.    Vas deferens.
D.    Ejaculatory  duct
E.    Prostat
23.    The production of testosterone in the interstitial cells is stimulated by...
A.    Inhibitor
B.    luteinizing hormone (LH)
C.    follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
D.    progesterone
E.    adrenalin
24.Sperm maturation occurs in the ...
A.    seminiferous tubules
B.    epididymis
C.    vas deferens
D.    urethra
E.    vesica seminalis
25.    The layer of the uterine wall that is shed during menstruation is the...
A.    Endometrium
B.    Myometrium
C.    Epimetrium
D.    Endothelium
E.    Myothelium
26.    The process of embryo developments  in endometrium. The labeled part on number 1,2 and 3 are....

A. Zygote - blastula - morula
B. Ovum - zygote - Morula
C. Zygote - blastula - morula
D. Ovum-zygote- blastula
E. Zygote – blastula- morula
27.    The average menstrual cycle is...
A.    14 days
B.    18 days
C.    24 days
D.    28 days
E.    30 days
28.    The hormone that stimulates uterine contractions is....
A.    Oxytocin
B.    Estrogen
C.    Granular
D.    Progesterone
E.    Prolactine
29.    Following are woman reproductive organs :
1). Ovary             4).uterus
2). Vulva             5) cervix
3). Tuba falopii        6) vagina
The  movement of ovum until the happening of growth of fetus in the womb periodically is shown by the numbers of ….  
A.    123
B.    2 3 4
C.    2 4 5
D.    36 5
E.    1 34

30.    Ovulation is….
A.    The formation of follicle by ovum
B.    The releasing of ovum from ovary
C.     The formation de Graff of follicle
D.    The movement of ovum in tuba falopii
E.    The fertilization of ovum by sperma
31.    In oogenesis, before the formation of ovum periodically happen the formation of….
A.    Oogonium, polocyte, oocyte
B.    Oogonium, polocyte, ootid,oogonium
C.    Oogonium, oocyte, ootid
D.    Oogonium,ootid, oocyte
E.    Polocyte, ootyd, oogonium
32.    Part that has function as flowing place of food substance, O2, CO2 and waste matter between mother and her foetus is ….
a.    Placenta
b.    Central cord
c.    Fetal membrane
d.    Yolk
e.    Chorion
33.    Following are the kinds of hormones produced in human body :
1)    adrenalin
2)    insulin
3)    estrogen
4)    tyroxin
5)    progesteron
6)    testosteron
7)    prolactin
8)    gastrin
Among hormones above that reproductive hormones are shown by numbers of ….
A.    1,3 and 4
B.    2,5 and 7
C.    3,6, and 8
D.    4,6 and 8
E.    3,5 and 6

34.     The influence of work of temporary contraception of pill that is ….
A.    Decreasing the number of ovum in ovary
B.    Increasing body stamina
C.    Preventing menstruation
D.    Destroying sperm that enters into the womb
E.    Preventng ovulation
35.    Protozoa that caused the occurrence of vulvovaginitis is….
A.    Candida albicans
B.    Treponema pallidum
C.    Herpes simplex
D.    Trichomonas vaginalis
E.    Gonorrhoea chlamydia

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