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Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

movement and ciculatory system

Evaluation of “Movement and Circulatory System”

1.    The bones that make up our framework, or skeleton, are very efficient. Bone as a passive motion device because .....
a. can only be moved by muscle
b. a mineral dump
c. protected by meat
d. does not produce blood cells
e. Long bone growth is limited

2.    Which type of muscle tissue is attached to bones and makes them move?        
a.    Smooth            
b.    Skeletal
c.    Cardiac            
d.    Flexor
e.    Supinator
3.    The part of bone that function in forming new bone cell is….
a.    Osteoclast
b.    Osteoblast
c.    Osteocyte
d.    Osteon
e.    Chondrocyte
4.      bentuk tulangThe human skeleton have many types of bone. Type of bone bellow is …..

a.    Short bone
b.    Flat bone
c.    Long bone
d.    Compact bone
e.    Pipe bon
5.    sendiConsider the following figure below!

       Based on the pictutre, kind of articulation is...
a.    ball and socket joint
b.    hinge joint
c.    pivot joint
d.    gliding joint
e.    saddle joint
6.    This bone matrix has the following feature :
1)    Bluish white color
2)    Containing chondroblast and white collagen fiber
3)    Functioning as joint movement and bone growth
The above statements are characteristics of….
a.    Fibrous  cartilage
b.    Spongy bone
c.    Elastic cartilage
d.    Hyaline cartilage
e.    Compact bone
7.    Movable joints are held in position by tough strands of connective tissue called            ….
a.    Tendons           
b.    Cartilage           
c.    Ligaments 
d.    Muscles
e.    Oregon

8.    6.jpgLook at the picture bellow!.
     When does arm straightened (flexor), muscle …. .
a. biceps  contraction  and triceps relaxation
b. biceps  contraction  and triceps contraction
c. biceps relaxation and triceps contraction
d. biceps  relaxation  and triceps relaxation
e. . biceps and triceps no motion

9.  Smooth muscle is different from both cardiac and skeletal muscle in ….
a    It can act as a pacemaker for rhythmic contractions.
b    Contractions of smooth muscle are not due to interactions between neighboring microfilaments.
c    Neighboring cells are electrically connected by gap junctions.
d    Neighboring cells are tightly coupled by intercalated discs
e    Smooth  muscle contraction influenced voluntary muscles

10.  The figure shows the structure of muscle
  Part labeled by X is ….                                                                                                              
a.    Insertion
b.    Myofibril
c.    Tendon                                                                                          X         
d.    Bundle of muscle
e.    Connective tissue

11.  What do we call muscles that we do not control by our will?        
a.    voluntary muscles        
b.    skeletal muscles          
c.    striated muscle             
d.    involuntary muscles
e.    facial muscle    

12.    One of the ways skin regulates the temperature of the body on a hot day is by….                  
a.    Decreasing muscle contraction
b.    Producing  sweat           
c.    Reducing  access to the exertion
d.    Constricting  blood vessels        
e.    Increasing muscle contraction
13.  When muscles build up lactic acid, they eventually need oxygen. Why?
a.  Oxygen is the only source of energy for the muscles
b.     Oxygen bonds to the lactic acid to make toxic
c.    Oxygen combines with glucose to form more lactic acid     
d.    Oxygen bonds to the lactic acid to make it nontoxic
e.     Oxygen is used to break down the lactic acid
14.          Which disease causes bones to become brittle?        
a.  Tetanus              
b.  Osteoporosis     
c.  Diphtheria          
d.  Arthritis 
e.  Osteoarthritis                 
15.    The energy source that can be used directly for muscle contraction is ….
a.    Glucose
b.    ATP
c.    Phosphate creatine
d.    Lactic acid
e.    Glycogen      
16.      Among the following which are not included as muscle pair acting in antagonist are ….
a.  Pronator – supinator
b.  Pronator - elevator
c.  Depressor - elevator
d.  Abductor – adductor
e.  Extensor - depressor
17.  Disorder in muscle where happens muscle contraction continuously or working too heavy so muscle become stiff  and feels pain is called ….
a.  Spranged
b.   Cramp
c.  Atrophy
d.  Dystrophy
e.  Hypertrophy
18.  The sliding filament theory state that, during muscle contraction and relaxation ..
a.                      Actin and myosin shorten and then lengthen
b.                      Actin and myosin change positions relative to each other
c.                      Troponin and tropomyosin slide past each other
d.                      Actin and myosin shorten
e.                      Actin and myosin contraction
19.  Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of voluntary muscle?
a.    It is found attached to the skeletal system.     
b.    It can be consciously controlled.         
c.    Microscopically, it has a striated appearance.            
d.    It is found inside the digestive system
e.    Controlled by automatic nervous
20.  The followings are the characteristics of striated  muscle is….
a.    Working without being influenced by the centre nerve
b.    Having single central nucleus
c.    Flexible and easily exhausted
d.    Having end cell that branches off
e.    Working without being influenced by automatic nervous
21.      What is the role of osteoblasts?           
a.    They digest joints, causing painful arthritis resulting from bumps of bone inside the joint. 
b.    They stimulate the release of minerals, especially calcium, from the bones.      
c.    They secrete a substance in which minerals are deposited to form bone.           
d.    They secrete a substance that forms the embryonic cartilage framework
e.    They secrete a substance in which minerals are deposited to form cartilage

22.  A  condition when muscle can not be moved because of the decreasing  of the muscle is called….
a.  Osteoporosis
b.  Atrophy
c.  Dystrophy
d.  Hypertrophy
e.  Osteoarthritis

23.  The condition of bone disorders shown on the picture below is
a.    Necrosis 
b.    Dislocation
c.    Fracture
d.    Fissure
e.    Scoliosis

24.  Erythrocyte or red blood cells are filled with the iron-containing pigment hemoglobin. The function of Hb in erythrocyte is ….
a.                    Immunity
b.                    Blood clotting
c.                    To maintain the osmotic pressure of blood
d.                    To bind nutrient in blood
e.                    To bind O2 and CO2 molecules
25.  The unsuitable match between agglutinogen and agglutinin for the blood type in the following table is ….

Blood type
A and B
α and β
α and β
A and B

26.  Serum is the blood plasma which does not contain the protein of….
a.                    Albumin
b.                    Globulin
c.                    Fibrinogen
d.                    Lipoprotein
e.                    Glucose
27.  The blood pressure of 120/80 means….
a.                    The systole pressure is 80, diastole 120
b.                    Hypertension
c.                    The systole pressure is 120, diastole 80
d.                    abnormally high blood pressure
e.                    hypotension
28.  The increasing amount of white blood cells above the normal or abnormal leukocyte will cause….
a.                    Leucopenia
b.                    Leukocytosis
c.                    Leukemia
d.                    Anemia
e.                    Erythematic

29.  Increasing the number of leukocytes in the blood indicates that there are parts of the body exposed to infection, because ...
a.    White blood cells can act as phagocytes against germs
b.    leukocytes can penetrate tissue
c.    leukocytes are amoeboid
d.     leukocytes produced by the lymph glands
e.    leukocytes produced by tonsil

30.  Someone who has blood type A transfused with someone who has blood type O, then ...
a. agglutination will occur because the blood recipient containing a and b agglutinin
b. agglutination would not occur, because the blood recipient does not contain a and b agglutinin
c. agglutination would not occur, because the blood donor and recipient each containing agglutinin b
d. agglutination would not occur, because blood donors do not contain agglutinogen
e. . agglutination would occur, because the blood donor and recipient each containing agglutinin b
31.                  To keep the blood out through the aorta didn`t return to the heart, then there are valves ... ... ...
a. bicuspid valve
b. semilunar valve
c. tricuspid valve
d. foramen valve
e.foramen ovale

32.  The following  true statement  about vein vessel is .….
a.    they are thick-walled
b.     they contain oxygen
c.    they contain much elastic fiber tissue
d.    they carry blood away from the heart
e.    they carry blood away  to  the heart

33.  Look at diagram  of blood clotting bellow !



a.    Thrombokinase,  anti hemophilia  ,  prothrombine
b.    Prothrombin, thrombokinase ,  anti hemophilia
c.    Ion kalsium.  prothrombin ,  anti hemophilia
d.    Trombokinase,  protrombin  ,  ion calcium
e.     Thrombokinase,  thrombine ,  prothrombine

34.  Karl Landsteiner divide blood into  4 groups : A, B, AB and O based on ... .
a.          Quantity of protein in blood
b.          Agglutinogen in red blood cells
c.          Agglutinin in plasma
d.          Agglutinogen dan agglutinin
e.          Antibody  

35.  Consider  the heart picture  bellow !
                          Part labeled by  1,2 and 3 are ….         
a.          Pulmonary vein, right ventricle, vena cava
b.         Pulmonary vein, left ventricle, right atrium
c.          aorta, left ventricle, pulmonary vein
d.         aorta, right ventricle, vena cava inferior
e.          Pulmonary artery, left ventricle, right atrium